Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How do pregnant kangaroos manage their joeys?

They do have delayed implantation, passing over only up to almost a year.

Once the ruling joey is approximately a year old, the consequent precise is born also crawls up into the pouch. There are 2 teats. The fetus has barely all posterior legs yet, but has strong projection also a mouth. They latch over on the teat very strongly. If they lose the teat, they will die. A mother can have a minuscular babe and large year old joey in her pouch on the same time. It amazes me that it happens because you think the older joey would accidently kill the new one, but it happens this way.

And yes, the mother eventually kicks exhausted the joey and weans it. It is quite funny actually- she keeps digging him and knocking him out, but equally soon as her abet is turned, he bounce back customary :)

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